Christmas Reflections

In this three-part series, Pastor Paul looks at some often-overlooked characters in the Christmas story and draws out encouragement that will minister to you in the here and now.

The Rednecks of Christmas

When you have good news, who do you tell first? When God had the best news of the ages, whom did He tell first? Join me as we read about that starry night many years ago in Bethlehem.


The proclamation of the angels to the shepherds was very specific, “I bring you good news”. This good news included an invitation, “today there has been born for you a Savior”. Did you notice the word you? This message was personal. This good news about a Savior being born was directed to these shepherds, those rednecks not allowed to worship in the temple. Notice that the message was for today and not when the shepherds had gotten their act together.


God came to them FIRST! They eagerly embraced this news! The people of Bethlehem were astonished.

Jesus identified His mission in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” There are no exemptions or exceptions stated in this mission. He came to rescue sinners. No soul is too far gone for God to bring back. No heart is too hard for God to soften. No one is too broken for God’s redeeming grace. He is the almighty omnipotent Father God!

"The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined humanity- hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory--because at the Father's will Jesus became poor, and was born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a cross."
J.I. Packer

A Carpenter’s Mission

God’s prepares to send His Son to earth to fulfill His promise to send the Messiah. However, this totally disrupted the plans of the man that God chose to be the earthly father of Jesus. I believe there is much we can learn as we look at the life of Joseph.


Joseph is only mentioned 10 times in the New Testament; most of these references are very brief. Yet three different times, an angel came and gave him specific instructions. We see that Joseph was a man of obedience. When many other people would have said “no.” Joseph said “yes.” He made a choice to be obedient to God.


Scripture shows us that obedience to God comes from a love for God. I John 5:2-3, “when we love God and follow His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.”

“The only reliable means of measuring our love for God is to examine whether we obey Him. We may dress the part, act the part, talk the part of being a Christian, but none of these things prove that we genuinely love God. Obedience is the only way.” Excerpt from Seeking Him

Obedience to God is an expression of our love for God.

Christmas Joy

How do you respond when you’ve just witnessed a long-awaited answer to a prayer? Today we’re looking at a godly man in Luke 2 who saw God answer an amazing prayer.


Can you imagine Simeon’s joy when he sees Jesus? I love his response; he took the baby Jesus in his arms and blessed them.

That same joy can be ours when we receive Jesus as our Savior. Christmas means you can be forgiven because Jesus came for you. Do you know him?


Like Simeon, we now wait expectantly but for Christ’s second return. And while His return has not been promised in our lifetime as it was to Simeon, the promise of His coming is just as sure. Revelation 22:20,” “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

“One look into the face of Jesus, and Simeon knew the hope of his life had been fulfilled. One look into the face of our Savior, and we will know the same.” Max Lucado


Gideon - Timid to Mighty Warrior


Harvest Time